Tuesday 15 October 2019

Day 5 Monday 14th October

This will be initially equally brief , see previous post!

Today, I started the day by oversleeping, then part way through ablutions realised that the timetable was not as I thought, kick off was 8.30 not 9 as I had thought!  Thankfully I only missed speeches of Welcome by the Mayor and another dignitary, so narrow escape! 

Next the opening address by Jennie Parry. Although I have heard several talks by Jennie, there was still new to me content and the audience lapped it up. Very good photos of her obsession with the takadai, exhibition pieces etc and the story which covers many years and 17 scrupulously well kept notebooks.

I am in awe of her discipline, let alone her talent!

Classes started about 10 ish, but a degree of confusion followed, but eventually things settled down and the sounds of heavy concentration filled the air. My tutor, Gil Dye, a noted Brithish lacemaker was one of the stranded so we had a late replacement named Reiko. I had admired her work I. The exhibition and was reassured that the class wasn’t going to disappoint. Her passion is 3D lace and tomorrow we are starting to make a flower.....watch this space! It is about 38 years since I did bobbin lace, but as we are only 3 students, others being taken away to do admin, or not arrived, so we are certainly getting close attention even if communication is a tad trying!

My fellow students are a Japanese and an American - Kathy Walker, so Lesley, I can now confirm it was she who I had spoken to last evening about Complex Weavers, so I am in extremely good company!

The bazaar was good and bad....lovely silks and other niceties, but bad as my money flew out of my purse so fast I hardly knew I was spending! Must be controlled when we get a second shot on Thursday!

Returned to hotel to do homework prep for tomorrow, phone calls, food, tea and photo back up etc and finally blog.  Now sleep calls so night night all.  Be patient, I will blast you with pictures soon, it is hairy as I am using two cameras and my phone and annoyingly tonight I have deleted things by mistake and don’t think they are elsewhere. Just shows what tiredness does! They were on my phone but don’t think they are on the cloud! All this techie stuff is getting beyond me!

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