Sunday 27 October 2019

Day 17 Saturday 26th October

Another long day with a lot of walking, so plan for an early night!

First on my list of ‘must do’ things is to do a lesson on how fly fishing lures were made. The tourist version is to make a brooch. This is a long way from my hotel, but I refuse to be daunted by a good walk even though knees and hips are hurting!  Once again finding the correct place was difficult. I asked passers by but no luck. One kind person took me to the police station who would help me....well all they could do was to show me on the map where I was!  Eventually I found a 7-11 convenience store and after a few attempts, one lady realised where I wanted and drew me a map! I had passed it twice already but as the shop was set back from the road I hadn’t realised it was a shop!

Anyway 2000 yen later and I was making a brooch with an elderly man as my teacher.  Feathers are all artificially dyed and you had to pick which you wanted to use.  Communication is all sign language and made up gestures, all polite I hope!  After a very short time I received approval from the teacher, waved goodbye and on to the next experience!

Some experiences are well priced, but others a bit dear for all you do and short time it takes, this was definitely the case here. Nonetheless I enjoyed the process and am pleased with the results.

Next was another little explore to find a particular gold leaf shop as I wanted to buy the correct glue for using on hard surfaces, wood, bamboo, glass or porcelain and perhaps leather.  After another conversation I was able to buy the glue and varnish to finish off with, but not anything to thin the glue.  They wouldn’t sell it...not sure exactly why but told me to get it in my country. It is called white gasoline in Japan, hopefully this is white spirit or lighter fuel!? Will have to try it and see!

I walked back to more familiar ground, calling in on the market again on the way. I think that seeing squid, octopus and prawns wriggling about would put me off if I had liked them in the first place.  Some interesting vegetables but more regular fruits available. Bought more bananas paying 200 yen for a bunch only to walk around the corner and find similar for 100 yen! Much much cheaper than the supermarket, as you might expect!

Arrived at the traditional craft museum at 12.50 so in time to do a gold leaf class, this time there was a space.  I tried really hard to get a clearly defined edge, but slightly rigged in places, by my standards! Teacher said very good and nods of approval all round. Don’t think they get that many perfectionists here!

Just as I was about to leave the museum, I was delighted to see a lady set up in the foyer with her Japanese embroidery stand! Took photos and liked a piece with 3 cal Elias in a circle. She said it was Kurenai-Kai design, so we had a chuckle about that! I showed her photos of my work and gained approval.

Two  young women also wanted to I had spoken to on a previous visit. They both work for the museum. I explained how I had been to Iga for the Kumihimo conference. The younger of the two did no more than pull out the booklet of the layout of the building etc and some work.

I immediately recognised the pieces and knew they were done by Lydia, an Italian lady I first met at Aveton in Devon several years ago.  The conversation went on a little as sometimes it is difficult to be sure you are understanding everything! However it transpires these girls are organising an exhibition of work at the museum next year and want me to exhibit some of my work!  I had to be sure, but yes, I will be communicating with them further and will be sending something, maybe ply splitting as have several small items. Would love to show embroidery but need to get more info about .this...and discuss it with Jean! Was dead chuffed anyway, as you can imagine!

Next as the sun was out I returned to the gardens, just to do the same wandering, but hoping for better light. Trouble was the clock had been ticking, so dregs of last hour or so of light!

Finally headed back to hotel, slowly and played packing and weighing for most of the evening.

I am on the train to Tokyo now and typing as I go! Will try and add photos now, so here goes! Again you have to work out your own captions and accept that they appear in a random order, not as I would like!

Another tea area - in the rain!

First port of call had been this temple, can’t remember the name and map is in suitcase!

 River view, not as flooded as I  expected

Gold leaf shop

Example of rust!

Waiting to cross the road.

Think you might have seen another of these but this time in dry weather!

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