Friday 25 October 2019

Day 16 Friday 25th October

Hello from a wet Japan! The forecast suggested worse than has occurred but definitely a brolly up brolly down day! Spent a lot of time plotting and planning last night, so knew what was necessary today.

I had spotted that there was a specific department store that claimed a good craft section, so made this my first port of call. It was a good walk, to put it mildly, but needs must! Managed not to stop en route, which helped. Had a really good root around and spent about £30 on bits and bobs that were either cheaper, not available or just too good to miss! Must make sure to use all this swag and not just look at it lovingly like I have done after previous trips! I could have the biggest stash of Japan related stash outside of Japan!

My luck was in since before the spend I was able to enjoy over an hour’s worth of looking and approving of entries in Kanazawa’s own craft show. You name it and it was there, well mostly! Embroidery, quilting, dyeing, calligraphy, painting, drawing with both pencils and ink, calligraphy and flower arrangements....and bead weaving! Lots of photos so you should be able to recognise them!

Next a walk through the food market called Omicho Ichiba-Jan. As you would expect it was mainly food, but some clothes stalls, perhaps used, wasn’t sure, and several flower stalls. Again photos will show you the variety and prices, some prices were for the bag, some by kilo and some per food item. Now which is which will be a guessing game!

After the market I continued on my planned route and eventually came to the gold leaf museum.  This was excellent and I spent a lot of time making notes as no photography allowed in the exhibition, but in video room it was allowed, well not forbidden anyway! I will write up the notes and add a page with the details at some point, perhaps when travelling! In several places I have taken photos of information boards about different processes as I accept that I will never remember everything unaided!  All this exposure to different subjects is stimulating an idea of logging all facts in a better format, perhaps, just perhaps even a book!!
Note to Paula, I am definitely not opening up in competition, but might want some advice!

Looked at items for sale in gold work shop, but undecided what to buy, also still wanting to go to lacquerwork shop.....wait to see if I bite!

As the gold leaf museum was in another of the Chaya areas, old tea house/geisha areas, I took the opportunity to have a wander around so views are from this section, or perhaps on the way/return! Crossed another river the Asanogawa river, so views up and down included, but weather terrible so looks like there is no sky, in fact clouds coming over distant mountains!

Late on, when I was in need of something nice, I tried a blueberry ice cream. A bit expensive for the size and although pleasant, still no match for the arimatzu, or orange to you and I, that I sampled frequently in Iga.

Typical property in the back streets, notice the rusting corrugated metal!

Just look at the wires!


On the weary way home I popped my head inside a little haberdashery and wool shop. Had a nice chat there and bought a metal yubiniki, or finger thimble if you don’t know what I mean! Had a job finding one small enough so it just shows that some of me is actually small!

A bit further down the road I found another Temari shop, this was one I had been told to find.  Fabulous work, spent quite a time looking at both Temari and yubiniki,  and of course couldn’t resist
just a little of the very fine silk as this will be good for yubiniki as it is hard to make good fine twisted silk.  Had a good look at the owner working and re aliased that my stitch wasn’t quite right, so
another thing to correct and perfect. I also got some guidance on getting the size right!

Such a good job I am on my own as anyone else would have expired with boredom ages ago!

Now the rain was getting a bit worse, so grabbed some food and made my way back to hotel, getting wetter by the minute. Will be dumping umbrella very soon as it is broken and too prone to blowing inside out. Might buy Japanese style large clear one, but need to check how to get it home!

Ok sit back and view the picture show! May not add many captions since that is the tricky but using Blogger....with what has to be a bug when using an I-pad!

This really sparkled!

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