Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Market stalls, Kabuki, more gardens and a real treat!

Tsukiji Market.
The title says it all really!  Started a bit earlier than sometimes, headed straight to the Tsukiji outer market. Found it without much trouble and enjoyed seeing all the strange foods...see the photos and make your own mind up. Black sesame ice cream - urr - no htanks! Squid (yuck at best!) and cheese? Really good dried fruits and did lots of sampling here....but passd on the other options!
Had set phone alarm as needed to move on  in good time to be in the queue at the Kabukiza theatre. Successfully got a ticket for Kenuki, a popular one act show - an hour in length. Fulll version Kabuki last between 4 and 5 hours - could see everyone falling asleep if they didn't hav translation services to explain it all.
The plot..a princess has a mysterious ailment that makes her hair stand on end, an ailment that prevents her from carrying out her long awaitd marriage. Kumedeera Danjo comes from the groom's household to investigate and finds a plot to take ovr th household when his tweezers float in mid-air. This is one of the "18 favourite plays" of Ichiawa Danjuro Family (so it says in th blurb!) K.D, resolves all th problems with his wits rather than with a display of superhuman strength. This witty, urbane detective story unfolds in a world of fantasy showing the spirit of early kabuki!Unfortunately there were extremely strict rules and no electrical devices were allowed out of their cases on fear of them being confiscated! Everyone behaved!

I have to say it was most entertaining - I just loved the way the special effects were done - no need for any Spielberg style effects!

Next on the lsit was the hama-rikyo gardens. these are the only remaining gardens with ponds of sea water. Was a shame the weather wasn't playing today, but did the best I could with photos!
 My final destination was the AC gallery in the most swanky part of Ginza, in the Armani/Dior block. THe 4th floor has this tiny gallery which I had been advised to visit as there was a particular exhibition that I had been tipped off about.  (Thanks Jennie for suggesting I contact Rieko Yamane as she emailed me to tell me about this). The exhibition was entitled Ply-split-Exhibition II and was only on this week.   I was enthralled and spent a good time studying the exhibiton of 22 pieces. I might be lucky and later get a copy of the catalogue emailed to me - fingers crossed!
Photos not allowed so i made notes on each piece on a scrap of paper which I will guard with my life!
Had a quick look n one window of the shops and felt so grubby and frumpy I decided to head hoem and gt my feet up! I would never pay the prices fo stuff in thes high levl designer shops and felt too tired to look! Might call back if end up with time to spare tomorrow, but not very likely!Now will try and giv eyou som photos to look at but might have to finish yesterdays another day!  Hope that I can keep some sort of order going!

Kabuki advert.
Dried tiddlers anyon?
Get your brunch here.
regulaars looking for bargains.
Packets of everything.
Cutters for cakes or sweets - good selection here.
Dried soup mix - light as a feather!
Now these were really good, dried fruits including tomatoes  (on rhs) - all lovely and i went back for another taste befre buying special japanese oranges although they were expensive!
Wasabi peanuts. Tried half a peanut and managed to spit it out within 5 seconds....Yuck with a capital Yugh!
Sea food combinations all available!
And this is to pull in the crowds??
Ice cream flavour selection.
Snack for me - hot egg - almost like an omelette.
The butchers.
This man wa doing a roaring trade - no idea what it is thoughs
Knife shop with whet stone ready to sharpen the knives to your requirement. Pity this chap doesn't live next door, my knivs are never that sharp!
Fancy trying these Lynne?
Good impression of the bridges - mine is green and this one is the next one upstream!
Maps like this are plentiful but they don't show north so it is always confusing when the station has many exits, some of which are 'round the back' so you cango really wrong!
kabuki poster for this month.
I initially htought this couple were posing for advrts or similar, but no, they had just got married and were hre for their wedding photos....photographer in blu - rummaging in his bag!
...and the hairdresser!
I enjoyd this chappi stalking about for food.
The setting for the garden as it exists today
He was sketching both modrn adn natural worlds.
Truly Japanese - only faint skyscraper in background!
One of the tea houses - all rebuilt as had been destroyed in 1943 earthquake.
Spider on a in tree - it was huge!
Alot is made of th water front - why?? Boat rides available under the 14 bridges...
Historic attraction - the 300 year old pine - much venerated.
and the support system!
Lovly murals in the subway
Station art

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics and Andy looked through them as well. Said you should have tried the squid and cheese x
